Security Checked: Exclusively for Licensed Property Professionals
Only available to professionals licensed under the REA Act 2008, Security Checked is your ultimate tool for protecting properties, preventing opportunistic criminals, and reducing liability.
The New Zealand Police have made it clear: allowing access to a vendor’s property without verifying contact details is both inadequate and irresponsible. With Security Checked, guesswork and errors are a thing of the past—no more misspelled names, incorrect information, or uncertainty about who entered the property.
Here’s how it works:
Each scan securely logs the attendee’s photo, name, phone number, and email address in your digital property register—along with the exact date and time they entered. At the same time, your contact details and the property they’ve visited are automatically added to their personal property register, helping them keep track of viewings and agents, eliminating confusion.
Security Checked is an incredible tool that will save time, enhance safety, and uphold your fiduciary duty while exceeding your client's expectations for professional security and service.
Make every property viewing safer, smarter, and more secure with Security Checked.